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Black Lives MatterUpdated 2 years ago

There's been no shortage of voices in the chorus. After a week of important and raw conversations and reflection here @ DSC, we want to add ours.

First, we unequivocally, loudly and vehemently condemn all forms of racist thought and action, from the deliberate and reprehensible to the unconscious but insidious. To us, there is no distinction.

Second, we are horrified and enraged by the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery as well as by the race-driven deaths of countless other black men & women in the United States. And while we are heartened by the scenes of people voicing protest and by the flood of public messages from both individuals and organizations we are equally disheartened that it takes a string of tragedies, on the heels of centuries of injustice, to spur appropriate action on racism in America. We believe what matters is what we do when events like these are not front and center.

Third, we recognize that our record is not perfect. We recognize that choices we make every day in our operations – where & with whom we choose to advertise, who we choose as suppliers or vendors, among others – matter. They are each an opportunity to demonstrate our values, and we haven’t always gotten it right. That changes now.

DSC understands its responsibility to take action, and we will be part of the change. The everyday change. The change that no doubt will take time, but that will begin immediately and continue relentlessly.

Here’s where we’re starting:

- We will be conducting an audit of our relationships with suppliers, vendors and media & advertising partners to ensure that we are not doing business with anyone who falls on the wrong side of this issue.

- We believe in a diverse workforce and will ensure we are all equipped with appropriate strategies to combat racism of any kind in our workplace and beyond. These have always been core values, but we will redouble our efforts - from hiring practices to team training & education to pay equality.

- Action matters and conversation matters, but financial support matters too. Alongside each of our Unilever sister brands, DSC will contribute $100,000 to Black Lives Matter. Additionally, for every dollar that our employees collectively donate to this cause, DSC's leadership team will personally match those dollars, up to $25,000.

Until then, we stand in solidarity with those impacted by systemic racism and violence, and those fighting against it. We hear you, we see you, we are with you.


Michael Dubin, CEO

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